Media Releases

nEbO and Young NTUC join hands to equip and groom future leaders of the Labour Movement

Singapore, 8 April 2017 – The seventh Spirit of Youth Awards (SOYA) saw 120 youths and young union leaders recognised for their outstanding contributions towards the Labour Movement today in Wild Wild Wet @ Downtown East. Themed ‘Waves of Inspiration’, the event was a reflection of how the 120 nominees were creating waves of inspiration to both their peers and all present to follow suit. Held annually, this year’s SOYA was co-organised by Young NTUC, the youth wing of National Trade Union Congress (NTUC), and nEbO, the junior membership arm of NTUC. 

The bringing together of the two youth arms of the NTUC at a platform such as SOYA allows leaders from Young NTUC and nEbO to come together to recognise the good work done by youth leaders, motivate those who have done well, as well as to inspire others to strive to do something more meaningful and fulfilling. 

The first award of the night was presented by NTUC Secretary-General Brother Chan Chun Sing to four members from Young NTUC Junior Circle, a leadership transition programme for graduated nEbO leaders to flow in to serve in the Young NTUC community. The four members won the Initiative of Extraordinaire Award for their outstanding youth-initiated project ‘U HEART: Gratitude on Board’. The initiative took place in August last year and saw 25 volunteers reach out and thank 300 everyday transport heroes who make Singapore’s daily commute safe. Please refer to Annex A for the list of award categories and winners for SOYA 2017. 

With more than 300,000 members combined, both Young NTUC and nEbO will continue to drive holistic youth development and better meet the needs of aspiring youth leaders. This would also ensure greater synergy in the Labour Movement’s plans in empowering youths to make a difference and streamlining efforts in grooming future leaders. 

“We recognise that our youths live, work and play in an increasingly diverse and fast-paced environment. It is imperative that we invest in them and develop their potential, resilience and confidence when they are young so that they will be nurtured into leaders. Working closely with Young NTUC would ensure better preparation and support within the Labour Movement for our younger members in nEbO, as they gain valuable exposure that will help them to transit easily to the workforce and excel as community leaders in the Labour Movement,” said Brother Lim Eng Lee, NTUC Alignment Director (nEbO).

Some of the plans that are underway include deepening partnerships within the Labour Movement on work-ready programmes for students, career advancement workshops to provide young adults with work and skill-based knowledge, as well as to build continuous engagement with nEbO youths who would transit to Young NTUC members. 

Mr Desmond Choo, Executive Secretary, Young NTUC said “NTUC believes in continuous development of our young leaders through different life phases.  It is now seamless for student activists to become young union leaders through our leadership program.  This inaugural combined SOYA with nEbO and Young NTUC underscores how youths can work together to grow together. We have also launched the Young NTUC Junior Circle - a community that seeks to transit nEbO leaders to Young NTUC. Youths are given opportunities to lead in the Junior Circle, guide the youths in nEbO and also initiate their own ground up projects.”