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U Sports brings unions, associate members and partners together through U Games

More offerings in U Games 16/17 builds an inclusive sports community within the Labour Movement.

Singapore, 20 August 2016 – The Labour Movement’s iconic inter-union sporting tournament is back with its ninth edition. Set to span over seven months, U Games 16/17 is expected to see some 8,000 sportspeople from the Labour Movement family competing across the 13 sporting events. 

Held at Sentosa’s Mempari Beach, Sand-sation saw 750 participants pitting their skills against each other through various sports such as Volleyball, Dodgeball, Tchoukball and Ultimate Frisbee. Sand-sation also had free fringe activities such as frisbee tic-tac-toe, bubble soccer and instant photo printouts for all to enjoy. 

U Games provides sporting opportunities to all

In a move to engage more Professionals, Managers and Executives (PMEs), this season will see an increase in the number of sporting events with Corporate categories, including golf and bowling. This increase allows PMEs who are members from U Associate and U Small and Medium Enterprises (U SME) to now be part of the U Games. 

This move is to strengthen the network of influence between the unions, associates and partners of the Labour Movement and helps to foster a closer sports community. With associate members and partners now eligible to join the U Games, U Sports hopes to strengthen the networks and friendship between members for a more inclusive Labour Movement.

“With the growth of the Labour Movement, it is important that we continue to bring members from different workplaces and backgrounds together. U Games provides a perfect platform for sportsmen and sportswomen to share their experiences, challenges and successes at a quality sporting competition. Just like how the world cheered on the athletes competing in the Rio Olympics, we too cheer on our teammates and friends who are competing in this season’s U Games. We hope even more members will enjoy the U Games and develop a strong sense of camaraderie among with their colleagues and family through sports,” said Mr Yeo Khee Leng, Chief Executive Officer, NTUC Club.

Following favourable response from our participants last year, events such as Futsal and 3-on-3 Basketball will once again include an Open category for General Branch members and members of the public. These competitions allow for greater participation and are a chance for family and friends of members to bond together through sporting and leisure activities. This promotes greater inclusiveness by allowing members who have previously not formed union teams to have the opportunity to compete and play.

U Games as an engagement platform

Organised by U Sports, a Labour Movement initiative to bring unions and communities together through sports, U Games allows union members to participate and fight for top positions at each individual event, earning points for their respective unions. At the end of the season, the union with the highest points will be crowned the top union of the U Games.

“U Games has grown tremendously in scope and size, as well as to become more than just a tournament. In the spirit of competition, budding talents and sports enthusiasts have the opportunity to challenge themselves with sportsmen and sportswomen, at a union level. This enables us to engage our members with the various sporting events as they strive to put their best foot forward so that they can help to elevate their union’s overall standing. We truly appreciate U Sports’ effort in driving a stronger and more vibrant sporting community,” said Brother Philip Lee, U Games Committee Chairman.

Interested union members can contact their union representatives to find out how they can represent their union to participate in U Games 16/17.

Visit for more information on the U Games 16/17.